Core Curriculum and Competencies:
- Helping Skills: Be proficient in the basic career facilitating process while including productive interpersonal relationships.
- Labor Market Information and Resources: Understand labor market and occupational information and trends. Be able to use current resources.
- Assessment: Comprehend and use (under supervision) both formal and informal career development assessments with emphasis on relating appropriate ones to the population served.
- Diverse Populations: Recognize special needs of various groups and adapt services to meet their needs.
- Ethical and Legal Issues: Follow the NCDA Code of Ethics and know current legislative regulations.
- Career Development Models: Understand career development theories, models, and techniques as they apply to lifelong development, gender, age, and ethnic background.
- Employability Skills: Know job search strategies and placement techniques, especially in working with specific groups.
- Training Clients and Peers: Prepare and develop materials for training programs and presentations.
- Program Management/Implementation: Understand career development programs and their implementation, and work as a liaison in collaborative relationships.
- Promotion and Public Relations: Market and promote career development programs with staff and supervisors.
- Technology: Comprehend and use career development computer applications.
- Consultation: Accept suggestions for performance improvement from consultants or supervisors.
Optional Additional Curriculum to Meet Individual’s Learning Goals:
The current edition (4th) includes optional chapters for participants who work with the following:
- Business Services and Employer Relations
- Clients with Disabilities
- Clients who are justice involved
- K-12 Students
- Workforce and Career Development History
Additional Options From Instructor:
- Higher Education
- Working with the unemployed, college-educated, and/or experienced professionals
- Faith-based settings and individuals
- Instructor will work with participants to develop unique, optional modules to address participant’s individual learning goals.
- Certificate of Completion
- 12 CEUs
- Discount on one-year membership to National Career Development Association (NCDA) to first-time members
- Eligible to apply for the new CCSP credential
- Individuals meeting additional requirements are encouraged to become a registered Global Career Development Facilitators (GCDF)
- Credential holders are eligible for an exclusive web listing on the NCDA website
- Pastors/clergy
- Spiritual directors
- Youth leaders
- Lay counselors
- Mentors
- Ministry leaders dealing with transition issues
- Administrators and staff members in departments that support the above individuals
Instructor’s Areas of Expertise and Experience
The instructor is an experienced community college education and career counselor and professor. She has worked for community colleges and public and private universities. She also is also a private practice consultant, and has volunteer experience supporting the unemployed through conducting workshops in a local workforce development career one-stop center and leading a support group for the unemployed in a faith-based community. Through her over 20 years of experience, she has developed a wealth of knowledge and created many written resources designed to facilitate individual’s education and career development journey. In addition to the standard FCD program curriculum, students of her FCD program will be introduced, and have access to, those resources.
• College students (basic-skills students to those possessing advanced degrees)
• Adults in transition (all ages)
• The unemployed (all ages)
• Diverse populations (demographic, active-duty military, veterans, disabled, education attained, work experience, career goals, and academic preparedness)
• Individuals who have struggled with ‘poor fit’ between person and environment
• Higher Education (Community college, state universities and private, faith-based liberal arts)
• Teaching and counseling on the self-awareness process
• Job Search Services/Coaching
• Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and other career assessments
• Teach life and success skills