Services – Parents

  • Are you having difficulty helping your young-adult child transition into adulthood?
  • Do you get frustrated over his/her apprently lack of interest in accepting responsibility for his/her future?
  • Do you get frustrated over his/her apparent lack of focus?
  • Do you worry that he/she is making choices that will negatively impact his/her future?
  • Do you secretly worry that you might be supporting him/her until he/she is 40?
Working professionals in higher education are fully well aware of the influence parents’ have on young adult’s academic and career life, and work at addressing those needs. Consequently, we have over fifteen years of experience working with young college students, and their parents, to prepare for the student’s success.
Therefore, if you find yourself frustrated or concerned for your young-adult child’s apparent lack of focus or direction for his or her future, and want insight about how to help guide and support him or her, give us a call. While this journey is his to take and is largely out of your hands, there are things you can do to encourage, guide and support him while he learns to take control of his life.
We offer workshops for designed for the individuals who need career help, but understanding the principles offered in these workshops can help parents know how to encourage and support their child. Therefore, as a concerned parent, you are always welcome to participate in any activities designed for him or her.