Seminary Papers (Fuller Theological Seminary 2003-2005):
- “Congregation as a Learning Community” Class:
- “Adult Formation” Class:
- Making of the People of God (Adult formation)
Adult Faith & Learning (Final Paper for Adult Formation Class. Professor was so impressed that she asked to keep a copy of it to share with other classes as a model of what she was looking for.)
- Making of the People of God (Adult formation)
- “Modern Church History” Class:
- “Christ & Culture” Class:
Supporting Others with Their Faith and Education/Career Conflicts and Challenges:
- Services for Faith-Based Institutions
- Get trained in “Facilitating Career Development”
- Supplemental Chapter for FCD Curriculum: “Working with Faith-Based Individuals, Communities, and Institutions”
Biblical Reflections for the Unemployed
(Lead a support group for the unemployed at Vineyard Anaheim during the ‘great recession’ – 2012. They asked me to create some biblical reflections for them.)
- The Power of Expectations
- Count the Cost
- See Trouble Brewing? Tempted to Retreat?
Other Topics:
(MBTI- faith-based class offered through a local church (2003-2005 – Granite Creek, and 2012 – Vineyard Anaheim)
Personal Miscellaneous Reflections:
(These are personal studies that are related to my profession and/or useful to a wider audience)
- Double Vision
- Seeing God – Acting in the Flesh
- Weighing Men Down with Rules and Regulations
- Trump Presidency
Faith-Based Books by Other Authors: (On related subjects)
(These readings can help someone better understand our changing world from a spiritual perspective.)
Resources from Other Authors:
Bible and Assessments That Have Spiritual Applications:
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) / Keirsey Temperaments and the Bible
- Strong Interest Inventory:
- Spirituality is identified as as an “interest area”. Clergy is listed as a possible career option.
- StrengthsFinder:
- Book written for the church based on the StrengthsFinder assessment “Living Your Strengths”
- Enneagram (Personality assessment widely used in the Catholic church)
- Wikipedia Entry
- (popular online assessment administrator)