Planning for an Unpredictable Future (POD)

Workshop:  Planning for an Unpredictable Future:  How to Respond to a World of Constant Change

  • Overview:

Institutions and their leaders and employees need to make decisions that affect their clients/customers, and consequently the institution’s survival, in a world of constant change.  Participants will understand what factors affect their clients that create the trends which affect the institution. They will understand which of those factors are stable, and which factors are not.  Participants will understand which factors they can control, and which factors they can’t control. This understanding will allow them to make effective decisions in a world of uncertainty and constant change.

  • Learning Outcomes:
Participants will understand:
    • That the world is in a constant state of rapid change.
    • These changes will directly impact their clients/customers
    • How changes in client/customer behavior affect their institution
    • How those changes affect labor market changes and consequently their institution’s success.
    • Which of those factors are stable and which are not stable.
    • Which of those factors should be the foundation of their education and career choices.
    • How they can cope and respond to a world of constant change.
    • What they can control in a changing world, and what they cannot control.

  • Downloads:
    • General
      • PowerPoint file
      • Workshop Handout
  • Related Video Links:
      • Rapidly Changing World
      • Trends Come and Go
  • Metaphorical Images:
    • Wavy and Warped Road – Foundation under the road is warping at a rapid pace, making the road unusable (career pathways in rapidly-changing world)
  • Related External Links:​
    • Videos:
  • Articles:
  • Websites & Databases​
  • Related External Books:
  • Related In-house Handouts

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